1. For serious buyers only.MIA buyers will be blacklisted.
  2. All products are brand new items.
  3. We sell our items on first come first served basis.
  4. Prices stated are non-negotiable.Buyers who ask for discounts will not be entertained.
  5. Payment must be made within 2 working days after the confirmation has been sent out.Once orders are confirmed and payments are made,no cancellations/refunds/exhanges/returns will be entertained.
  6. Reservation of items is allowed, but only for a maximum of 24 hours.Payment must be made during this period,or the items will be sold to the next buyers.
  7. Items shown may be slightly different from the actual product in terms of colour due to monitor's resolution.
  8. There shall be strictly NO refunds or exchange of items once it is sent out to the buyers.
  9. Doyleys will not be responsible for any lost/damaged items during the course of delivery.